Villa Rana Open Art Open Call


Villa Rana Open Art

Villa Rana Open Art is a workshop and culture programme for young people between 15 and 29 years of age. Workshops are free for participants, and they include coffee and lunch. No prior experience is needed. The workshops are joined groups for all participants regardless of their nationality, gender, and religion, and they are run according to anti-racism principles.

Workshops are held by professional tutors and language is Finnish, English or any other language spoken in the group. Location is the Cultural Centre Villa Rana at Seminaarinkatu 13, Jyväskylä.

Apply to one or all of the workshops by sending an email to, a WhatsApp-message to 044 245 3010 or Instagram message to @kulttuuritalovillarana. Remember to include your name, contact details and why you would like to join. You can also make a video application and send the video or a link. You will receive workshop details along with the confirmation.

June Workshops:

13.6. klo 9.30–15 Environment and Recycled Art, tutors Johanna Juvonen & Biagio Rosa. Come and create environmental art from recycled objects. The artworks will remain in the indoor and outdoor spaces of Villa Rana.

15.6. klo 9.30–15 Hiphop Dance & Culture, tutor Johanna Hurme. Dance, movement, music.

16.6. klo 9.30–15 On the Move, tutor Annina Uimonen. Come and discover your own movement and dance alone and in a group. You can suggest your favorite music to the workshop playlist.

The project is organized by Jyväskylän kulttuuritalon tukiyhdistys association. More info from email, phone 044 245 3010 and