
Vekarana is a series of events for families, at Kulttuuritalo Villa Rana!

22.10. VekaRana
Musical instrument building, dance and film! Lastenmusiikkiorkesteri Loiskis, Keski-Suomen elokuvakeskus ja Keski-Suomen Tanssin Keskus are charge of the event.

In the lower hall (Paulaharju):

From 10 am to 12 pm:
In Loiskis’ non-stop musical instrument building workshop, a floor ball is tuned into a musical instrument. Recommended for preschooler and up.

In the upper hall (Blomstedt):

From 10 to 11 am:
LAA welcomes 5min
Movie: Three little aunts 15 min
Dance track for toddlers 40 min

From 11 am to 12 pm:
Movie: Emilia and Oskar 15 min
LAA performs and dances for 10 minutes
Movie: Emilia and the apple tree forest 15 min
LAA’s Saturday dances free dance 15 min

Next VekaRana 26.11.

VekaRana is Kulttuuritalo Villa Rana’s new multidisciplinary event concept for the whole family. The operators of Kulttuuritalo are responsible for the contents of VekaRana activities. The VekaRana series of events is implemented with the help of the OP’s Teemme yhdessä hyvää grant.

Kulttuuritalo Villa Rana, Seminaarinkatu 13