Terms of Rental

General Terms and Conditions of Rental

General terms of rental of Cultural Centre Villa Rana spaces

15.4.2021 (updated 22.5.2024)

In the rental terms the person or organization renting the spaces is referred to as ”Renter” and Jyväskylän kulttuuritalon tukiyhdistys ry, responsible for renting out the spaces, is referred to as ”Cultural Centre”.

These terms apply to all Renters and all spaces in the Cultural Centre.

1. Liability of the Renter

The Cultural Centre is liable for secure use of all spaces. The Renter shall assume liability for any damage for fixed or movable property caused by the Renter or performers or public present in the space during the rental period. The Renter is responsible for protecting the space and equipment from damage. The Renter must state the responsible person of the event for the Cultural Centre.

2. Cancellation terms

Electrically or manually signed contract can be cancelled with following terms:

●31 days or earlier before the rental period 0 % of the rental fee

●30–11 days before the rental period 50 % of the rental fee

●10 days or later 100 % of the rental fee

3. Rental spaces

Blomstedt Hall (1st floor) has a bleacher with 84 seats. Bleacher can be closed. The maximum capacity of people in space (audience, performers and staff included) is 150 people.

Paulaharju Hall (bottom floor) has a fixed bleacher with 75 movable chairs. The maximum capacity of people in space (audience, performers and staff included) is 100 people.

Movable chairs are available for both Halls.

Other rental spaces are the residency studio and restaurant spaces.

4. Copyright

If the Renter uses, displays or records copyrighted materials in its event, the Renter is responsible for necessary permissions and fees.

5. Temporary structures, equipment, and advertising in location

The Renter shall not make any make any modifications in the spaces. It is possible to build and erect temporary structures with the permission and under the supervision of Cultural Centre staff. The Renter is responsible for building and dissembling the structures within the rental period. The temporary structures may not harm any surfaces such as floors and walls. Placing any advertisement inside or in the premises of the Cultural Centre must be agreed on in advance. The Renter is responsible for using the temporary structures and equipment, their safety and necessary permission from officials. The permissions must be presented to the Cultural Centre two weeks before the rental period.

6. Ticket sales

The Renter organizes the ticket sales to their event. The Cultural Centre is not responsible for selling or mediating the tickets.

7. Staff and equipment

Technical manager: The Cultural Centre’s technical manager is responsible for basic technical needs of the events, such as microphones for speaking and basic lighting. If the event requires supervision or uses more complicated equipment, the Renter may bring in other technical staff or ask the Cultural Centre to provide them. The Cultural Centre does not provide ticket sales persons, security personnel, or other personnel.

If the light, sound, and other equipment present in the Halls are moved, the Renter is liable for costs for restoring the conditions. Fees are available in each Hall’s pages.

Fire, water or other liquids, and special effects may not be used without the permission from the Cultural Centre.

8. Cloakroom

The Renter may use the unguarded cloakroom of the Cultural Centre.

9. Restaurant services

Restaurant Villa Rana has the exclusive right to offer restaurant services in the Cultural Centre. The restaurant is open before the event and during the possible interval, and with special agreement also after the event. If needed the restaurant can provide catering to other Cultural Centre spaces. The Renter can contact the restaurant directly for more information: restaurant@villarana.fi

10. Dressing rooms

The Renter may use the dressing rooms that are situated next to each hall. The Renter may bring their own refreshment to the dressing rooms. The Cultural Centre wishes for civil behaviour and refraining from alcohol use in the dressing rooms before, during and after the event.

11. Wi-fi

The Renter may use the free visitor Wi-fi

12. Cleaning

The Cultural Centre is responsible for cleaning the spaces. If after the rental period the spaces are messier than normal, the Renter will be charged with an extra cleaning fee of 50 €.

13. Parking

Rent does not include a parking space. There are no parking spaces for Renter or audience members in the yard of Villa Rana. The Renter can express their need for parking when making reservation.

14. Event licences and advertisement

The Renter is liable for any required event notices for officials. For Cultural Centre’s use the Renter will provide at least 14 days before the rental period advertisement material such as text and visuals. The Cultural Centre recommends for the Renter to send out a press release, that can also be published on the Cultural Centre’s website, and to add the event information to the local event calendars at http://ilmoitatapahtuma.menoinfo.fi/form/ksml and https://kalenteri.jyvaskyla.fi/

15. The intended use of the rental space

The Cultural Centre has a right to define for which use the spaces at the Villa Rana Cultural Centre are rented out. If the background or activities of the Renter do not match the values of the Cultural Centre, the Cultural Centre may cancel the rental agreement at any time before the rental period or interrupt the rental period without liability for compensation.

16. Force Majeure

In no event shall the Cultural Centre be responsible or liable for any failure or delay in the performance of its obligations hereunder arising out of or caused by, directly or indirectly, forces beyond its control, including, without limitation, strikes, work stoppages, accidents, acts of war or terrorism, civil or military disturbances, nuclear or natural catastrophes and interruptions, loss or malfunctions of utilities, communications or computer (software and hardware) services; it being understood that the Cultural Centre shall use reasonable efforts which are consistent with accepted practices in the industry to resume performance as soon as practicable under the circumstances. In such an event any down payment will be returned to the Renter.